Watershine BB Glow Treatment in Delhi

Watershine BB Glow treatment in Delhi has become one of the most trending procedure. It is proven to be most effective and rapid way to improve your skin feel and look. The treatment diminishes your freckles and give radiant, even tone to your skin. It is a form of semi - permanent makeup that can last up to half a year with proper follow ups.
The experts at Dermalyn Aesthetics, Delhi uses Microneedling pen and a serum with foundation in it to penetrate the skin. BB Beaming skin glow treatment add nutrients as well as your preferred color to your skin. The serum contains hyaluronic acid to make your skin more radiant, bright and vitamin C to treat blemishes and pigmentation.
How Does It Work?
Through the process of Microneedling, a series of micro channels are created and serum plus foundation is injected into it. Microneedling further initiate body's healing process to stimulate collagen and elastin production. The serum continues to work for weeks after the first appointment and skin naturally rejuvenates along with the tint of a foundation. This treatment naturally boosts the confidence of the patients suffering from acne scars or pigmentation.
BB beaming skin glow treatment is available at Dermalyn Aesthetics in five shades including Light, Light rose, Medium, Deep and Deep plus.
It is recommended to take 4 sessions with 2-week interval for long lasting effective results.