Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is an extremely common cosmetic issue that in the past has been notoriously difficult to treat. Thanks to the new non-surgical technologies which effectively address the structural causes of cellulite, helping to reduce the characteristic dimpling and restore a smoother, firmer texture to the skin.
Cellulite can affect both men and women, the most common areas being, thighs, buttocks, arms and back.

Dermalyn offers a wide range of cellulite reduction treatments:
Cellulaze is the first minimally invasive treatment that addresses cellulite at the structural level underneath your skin’s surface. A small hand-held laser device is used to liquefy fat and break up fibrous bands of tissue that pull down the skin and create the dimpled appearance of cellulite. This laser heats the tissues beneath the skin’s surface, where it works to reduce thickness of the sub-cutaneous fat layer, stimulates collagen production, thus, improving skin texture and elasticity.
Although it involves tiny incisions, laser cellulite reduction is considered a minimally invasive and can be safely performed using local anesthesia. Downtime is typically limited to 1 to 2 days.
Recommendded sessions: desired results can be seen after the first session itself lasting for upto one year*.
Mesotherapy is an excellent way of treating cellulite. In Mesotherapy we inject directly into the areas of cellulite and hence we can be highly selective in the areas to be treated. The results are even and smooth using natural methods of treating cellulite.
Fat deposits are flushed from the body, and do not reappear in other areas, something that often occurs after liposuction.
Generally, hyaluronidase enzyme is used to inject the target area which breaks the over-tightened collagen bonds with hyaluronic acid, making the skin appear pulled and dimpled.
A combination of lipolytics and hyaluronidase can also be used to increase the efficacy of the treatment.
At Dermalyn, we combine our mesotherapy sessions with Radio Frequency (RF) to render the most promising and visible results.